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Il trekking
Trekking deserves a special chapter. It has become a very important sport as it allows you to know directly the natural and uncontaminated environment, extremely beautiful, as well as to keep yourself in good fit, relax your mind and find the right balance of your mind and your body, after having worked for one year.
Excursions to do on foot in Idro
- Croce di Perlé
- Cima Sassello
- Cima Crench
- Forte di Valledrane
- Monte Stino
- Sentiero dei contrabbandieri
Excursions on the mountains surrounding Idro Lake
- Parco delle fucine a Casto
- Rifugio Nasego
- Cima Caldoline
- Lago della vacca
- Laghi di Bruffione
- Laghi di San Giuliano
- Val di Fumo
Residence Vico ****
Via Indipendenza - 25074 Idro (BS) - Italy | Tel +39 0365.823824 - Fax +39 0365.823824 - Cell +39
347.0433938 | E-mail:
WIKO S.r.l. - Via Indipendenza - 25074 IDRO (Brescia) Italia - C.f. e num. di iscr. al Reg. delle Imp. di Brescia 02403690981 - R.E.A. N. 446840 - Cap. soc. € 100.000 i.v.